Jain College students engaging in creative arts activities

Clubs & Forums 

Welcome to JAIN College Student Club and Forums, a vibrant community that connects students, fosters personal growth, and provides a proactive support system. Join us to meet like-minded individuals, gain valuable insights, and collaborate on exciting projects. Let's empower each other to reach new heights in our academic and personal endeavours.

PUC College


Student Clubs


Events and Activities


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Clubs & Forums 

The Cultural Forum offers individuals to showcase their talents during events hosted by other colleges and institutions.

Cultural Forum

The Cultural Forum serves as the central organising entity for all cultural festivals held at the College. It offers a significant platform for individuals to showcase their talents during events hosted by other colleges and institutions.

the Commerce Forum empowers every student to embrace their potential as young professionals and develops a spirit of teamwork.

Commerce Forum

As an integral part of the Commerce Department, the Commerce Forum empowers every student to embrace their potential as young professionals and develops a spirit of teamwork. It has been instrumental in uncovering the hidden talents and capabilities of every student, facilitating their adaptation to paradigm shifts, and inspiring them to lead by example.

the Commerce Forum empowers every student to embrace their potential as young professionals and develops a spirit of teamwork.


The Rotaract club of the institution is dedicated to fostering connections among individuals and engaging in projects that drive positive societal change. This platform empowers students to organise and partake in service projects aimed at promoting peace, combating diseases, facilitating access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, supporting education, and contributing to local economic growth.

the Commerce Forum empowers every student to embrace their potential as young professionals and develops a spirit of teamwork.

Eco Club

The Eco-club at the institution is committed to empowering students to engage in impactful environmental activities and projects. This club plays a vital role in raising awareness among students about the environment and sustainable development. Through a variety of activities, the cell mobilises students to explore scientific inquiries related to both local and global environmental issues.

the Commerce Forum empowers every student to embrace their potential as young professionals and develops a spirit of teamwork.


The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a student-led organisation that empowers students to become leaders and change-makers. Through its activities, the cell fosters a sense of social responsibility and community engagement among students. By working with marginalised communities, students gain valuable insights into the challenges faced by others and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to make a positive impact on the world.

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