V V Puram

Accountancy and Business Studies Take the Spotlight - Recap of Genesis Event by The Commerce Forum

Accountancy and Business Studies Take the Spotlight - Recap of Genesis Event by The Commerce Forum

The Department of Commerce proudly presented Genesis, an exciting event organised by The Commerce Forum. Held on the 29th and 30th of May 2023 at Jain College, VV Puram, Genesis marked the first event of the academic year. Genesis was a dynamic duo event that focused on the subjects of Accountancy and Business Studies. It consisted of two rounds designed to challenge the participants' knowledge and practical skills in these fields.

In the first round, participants were tasked with developing a unique business idea along with its revenue structure. They had to present their ideas to a panel of judges and provide a comprehensive explanation of their revenue model. Additionally, they were required to fill in a Partnership Deed, showcasing their understanding of legal documentation in business partnerships. The qualifiers from the first round advanced to the second round, where they were given a budget and assigned case studies. Their objective was to strategically allocate the budget among various departments based on the specifics of the given case study. This round tested their financial management skills and ability to make informed decisions within a limited budget.

The event witnessed remarkable presentations from the participants, demonstrating their accurate and insightful understanding of Accountancy and Business Studies. With such engaging events, students are given the opportunity to showcase their talents, learn practical skills, and foster their passion for commerce. The Commerce Forum is committed to organising more such events throughout the year, fostering a spirit of excellence and innovation within the commerce student community.

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