
Brahmagupta and the Birth of Zero - Tracing Zero & it's Roots

Who Invented ZERO?
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Who Invented ZERO

Brahmagupta, the 7th-century Indian mathematician, introduced the concept of zero to the world, the earliest known method for incorporating zero into calculations, treating it as a number for the first time. His innovations in the use of zero were later inscribed on the walls of the Chaturbhuj Temple in Gwalior, India.

What is Zero?

Zero is a number that represents nothingness. It is unique in that it is the only number that stands for the absence of quantity, distinguishing it from all other numbers that represent some quantity.

Who is Brahmagupta?

Brahmagupta (c. 598–668 CE) was an Indian mathematician and astronomer known for his pioneering work in mathematics. He developed early methods for using zero in calculations, treating it as a number for the first time. His notable work, the "Brahmasphutasiddhanta," includes important contributions to arithmetic, algebra, and number theory, and his innovations were later inscribed on the walls of the Chaturbhuj Temple in Gwalior, India.

Who is Aryabhata?

Aryabhata (c. 476–550 CE) was an influential Indian mathematician and astronomer renowned for his contributions to mathematics and astronomy. His major work, the "Aryabhatiya," addresses various topics, including trigonometry, algebra, and arithmetic. Aryabhata is famous for his approximation of pi, his calculations related to eclipses, and his concept of the Earth's rotation on its axis, which laid foundational principles for both fields in ancient India.

Who Invented the Concept of Zero?

The concept of zero evolved and was significantly advanced by Indian mathematicians. The earliest known use of zero in its modern mathematical sense is attributed to Brahmagupta in the 7th century AD. He established rules for arithmetic operations involving zero, such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Aryabhata also contributed to the understanding of zero, though his use of the concept was more implicit.

Who Invented Zero in India?

In India, zero was developed as part of the broader mathematical system. Aryabhata (5th century AD) and Brahmagupta (7th century AD) played crucial roles in its development. Aryabhata’s place-value system and Brahmagupta’s formalization of zero’s arithmetic properties were key milestones in the history of zero.

Who Invented Zero in the World?

Globally, the invention of zero is attributed to ancient Indian mathematician Brahmagupta. The spread of zero from India to the Islamic world and then to Europe marks its global journey. Indian scholars like Aryabhata and Brahmagupta were pivotal in its early development, while later scholars in the Islamic world and Europe helped disseminate and refine the concept.

Who Invented Zero Name?

The term "zero" itself comes from the Arabic word "sifr," which means "empty" or "nothing." This term was adopted into Latin as "zephirum" and then into English as "zero." The Indian mathematicians who developed the concept of zero did not have a specific term for it in the same way, but the concept was integral to their mathematical systems.

Who Invented Zero in Mathematics?

In mathematics, the formalization of zero as a number is credited to Brahmagupta. His work in the 7th century AD established the rules for using zero in various arithmetic operations. Aryabhata’s work laid important groundwork, but Brahmagupta’s contributions were more focused on defining zero’s role within arithmetic operations.

Who Invented Zero, Brahmagupta or Aryabhata?

Both Brahmagupta and Aryabhata made significant contributions to the concept of zero. Aryabhata’s work (5th century AD) included an implicit use of zero in his place-value system. However, Brahmagupta (7th century AD) is often credited with formalizing the mathematical principles of zero, including its use in arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Thus, Brahmagupta’s contributions are often seen as pivotal in the development of zero in mathematics.

Introduction: The Birth of Zero

Zero is not just a number; it's a concept that transformed mathematics and our understanding of the universe. The story of Zero is a journey through human ingenuity, bridging ancient civilizations and modern technological advances. It represents the transition from a simple placeholder to a fundamental mathematical tool.

The history of zero is complex and multi-faceted. It involves contributions from various cultures and thinkers across different epochs. Understanding who invented zero requires exploring its evolution through time, its role in mathematics, and its significance in various fields.

History of Zero

Early Awareness of Zero

The concept of zero, or the idea of “nothing,” was recognized by several ancient cultures, though it wasn't always represented by a specific symbol.

Egyptians and Babylonians: The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians understood the idea of “nothing,” but they did not have a specific numeral or symbol for it. They often used context or empty spaces to signify absence or void.

Sumerians: Around 3000 BCE, the ancient Sumerians utilized a sexagesimal (base-60) number system. They used zero as a placeholder, although their notation lacked a distinct symbol for zero. The Sumerians’ approach to representing zero was rudimentary compared to modern standards, as they used spaces or placeholders to denote missing values.

Sumerians and Babylonians

The Sumerians' base-60 system was a significant advancement, but it didn't include a dedicated symbol for zero. Instead, they used empty spaces to indicate a missing positional value. The Babylonians inherited this system and continued using spaces for placeholders.

Babylonian Notation: The Babylonians improved on the Sumerians' system by using a placeholder for zero. However, this placeholder was not a fully developed concept of zero. It served more as an indicator of a missing place rather than a number in its own right.

The Indian Revolution: How Brahmagupta Invented '0' Zero and Its Impact

Early Indian Contributions to '0' zero

The first substantial development of zero as a number came from ancient India. Indian mathematicians made significant strides by using a dot to represent zero in their numeral system. This early use of zero was instrumental in the evolution of mathematics, marking a pivotal moment in numerical history. The concept of zero in India was more than just a placeholder; it represented an actual number that could be used in calculations, setting the stage for future advancements.

Brahmagupta’s Pioneering Work on '0' Zero 

The true breakthrough in the concept of zero is attributed to Brahmagupta, an Indian mathematician from the 7th century CE. Brahmagupta’s seminal work, Brahmasphutasiddhanta, is often recognized as a critical text in the history of zero. In this work, Brahmagupta not only described the use of zero but also defined it as the result of subtracting a number from itself. He provided comprehensive rules for arithmetic operations involving zero, including addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Brahmagupta’s insights into zero were revolutionary, establishing it as a fundamental element in arithmetic and algebra.

How Brahmagupta Invented Zero

The concept of zero, as defined by Brahmagupta, was a game-changer. It allowed for the development of more complex mathematical concepts and operations, which were further expanded upon by later scholars. The transmission of these ideas to the Islamic world and eventually to Europe marked a major leap in mathematical progress, illustrating the profound impact of Brahmagupta’s invention of zero on the evolution of mathematics.

The Bakhshali Manuscript

The Bakshali Manuscript, an ancient Indian text dated between the 2nd and 4th centuries AD, provides evidence of the use of zero as a dot. This manuscript illustrates how zero was utilized in calculations and demonstrates the advanced understanding of mathematics in ancient India

Spread of Zero

The concept of zero spread from India to the Islamic world and eventually to Europe.

Islamic World: Arab mathematicians, such as Al-Khwarizmi, further developed the concept of zero. The translation of Indian mathematical texts into Arabic played a crucial role in the spread of zero to the Islamic world. Al-Khwarizmi's work, which introduced zero to the Arab world, was instrumental in the evolution of mathematics.

Europe: Despite initial resistance from the Church, which viewed zero as a symbol of chaos and vacuum, the concept began to take hold in Europe. The 12th-century translations of Arabic mathematical texts facilitated the introduction of zero to European scholars. Fibonacci's Liber Abaci (13th century) played a crucial role in popularizing the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, including zero, in Europe.

Maya Civilization

The Maya civilization in the Americas independently developed the concept of zero around the 4th century AD.

Mayan Numerals: The Maya used a shell glyph to represent zero in their vigesimal (base-20) system. This independent development of zero highlights the universal need for a concept to represent absence or void in numerical systems.

Aryabhata’s Contribution to Zero

Aryabhata, a prominent Indian mathematician and astronomer of the 5th century AD, made significant contributions to the development of mathematical concepts, including zero.

Aryabhatiya: Aryabhata's principal work, Aryabhatiya, contains theories in arithmetic, algebra, and astronomy. Although zero is not explicitly mentioned, Aryabhata's place-value system implicitly requires the concept of zero. He used the term ‘kha’ to denote a positional absence, similar to the role of zero in modern notation.

Astronomical Calculations: Aryabhata’s work in astronomy, including his methods for calculating planetary positions and eclipses, demonstrated an understanding of ‘shunya’ (void). His use of zero in these calculations, although not explicitly symbolized, was crucial for the accuracy of his astronomical models.

The Role of Zero in Mathematics

Arithmetic Operations

Zero plays a unique role in arithmetic:

Addition and Subtraction: Adding or subtracting zero from any number does not change the number. Zero acts as the additive identity in this regard.

Multiplication: Multiplying any number by zero results in zero. This property is essential in various mathematical operations and proofs.

Division: Division by zero is undefined in standard arithmetic. It leads to contradictions and is not permissible in conventional calculations.

Algebra and Calculus

Algebra: In algebra, zero is the additive identity. Adding zero to any number leaves the number unchanged. Zero is also the only number that, when multiplied by another number, results in zero.

Calculus: In calculus, zero is central to the concept of limits. It helps define derivatives and integrals, which are fundamental to understanding rates of change and areas under curves.

Computational Systems

Binary Code: Zero is a fundamental component of the binary system used in computing. The binary system, which relies on zero and one, forms the basis of all digital technology, including computers and electronic devices.

Cultural and Historical Perspectives

Eastern Philosophy

In Eastern philosophies, zero symbolizes emptiness or void, representing infinite possibilities and the nature of reality.

Buddhism and Taoism: These traditions incorporate the concept of void or emptiness, which parallels the mathematical idea of zero. In Buddhism and Taoism, zero represents the fundamental nature of existence and the universe.

Western Views

The concept of zero faced resistance in the Western world due to its challenge to existing mathematical and philosophical frameworks.

Church Opposition: Early Christian scholars viewed zero with scepticism, associating it with chaos and vacuum. It took centuries for zero to gain acceptance in Europe, primarily due to the work of mathematicians like Fibonacci and the eventual integration of the decimal system.

Modern Applications of Zero

Technology and Computing

Zero is crucial in modern technology, especially in computing:

Binary Code: The binary system, which uses zero and one, is the foundation of digital technology. This system is essential for data encoding, programming, and digital communication.

Programming: Zero is used in programming languages to denote false or off states. It plays a critical role in algorithm design and software development

Financial Systems

In finance, zero plays a crucial role in calculations and modelling:

Interest Rates: Zero is used in calculating interest rates, loan payments, and financial forecasts.

Accounting: In accounting, zero is used to represent balances, financial statements, and audit trails.

Interesting Facts About Zero

Ancient Mesopotamia (circa 300 BCE): Early uses of zero appeared as a placeholder in the Babylonian numeral system, which was based on sexagesimal (base-60) arithmetic.

Ancient Egypt: Egyptian mathematics did not have a concept of zero, but they used placeholders in their numerical notation system.

Ancient Greece: Greek mathematicians like Pythagoras and Euclid did not use zero. Their number systems did not require it, focusing instead on positive numbers.

Early Indian Mathematics: The concept of zero as a number, not just a placeholder, began to develop in India. Indian mathematicians used a dot to represent zero in their numeral system.

Brahmagupta (circa 628 CE): The Indian mathematician Brahmagupta is often credited with formalizing the concept of zero in arithmetic and algebra. His work included rules for arithmetic operations involving zero.

Brahmasphutasiddhanta: Brahmagupta’s seminal text, "Brahmasphutasiddhanta," included significant contributions to the understanding of zero, defining it as the result of subtracting a number from itself and outlining its role in equations.

Transmission to the Islamic World: The concept of zero and the Indian numeral system spread to the Islamic world through translations of Indian mathematical texts.

Al-Khwarizmi (circa 825 CE): The Persian mathematician Al-Khwarizmi wrote about the Indian numeral system, including zero, in his influential works, which helped to spread these ideas throughout the Islamic world.

Al-Kindi (circa 850 CE): Al-Kindi, another Islamic scholar, also contributed to the spread of zero by incorporating it into his work on arithmetic and cryptography.

The Fibonacci Sequence: In his 1202 work "Liber Abaci," Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci, introduced the Indian-Arabic numeral system, including zero, to Europe.

Medieval Europe: Before Fibonacci's introduction, European mathematics used Roman numerals, which lacked a zero and made complex calculations cumbersome.

Decimal System Adoption: The adoption of the decimal system in Europe during the Renaissance was facilitated by the work of Fibonacci and other scholars, making arithmetic calculations simpler and more efficient.

Mathematical Notation: Zero became an integral part of mathematical notation and algebra, especially after the work of mathematicians like Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in calculus.

Binary System: Zero plays a fundamental role in the binary number system, which is the basis for modern computer technology and digital systems.

Philosophical Implications: Zero represents the concept of nothingness and has philosophical implications related to the void and the absence of value.

Cultural Variations: Different cultures have their interpretations of zero. For instance, in Buddhism, the concept of "shunyata" or emptiness has similarities to the mathematical idea of zero.

Zero in Astronomy: Ancient Indian mathematicians used zero in astronomical calculations, such as predicting planetary positions and eclipses.

Zero in Calculus: In calculus, the concept of zero is crucial in defining limits, derivatives, and integrals, which are fundamental to understanding changes and areas under curves.

Computing: In computer science, zero is used in binary code, the fundamental language of computers, representing the absence of a signal or an off state.

Modern Mathematics: Zero is an essential element in modern mathematics, including algebra, calculus, and set theory, influencing various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics.

These facts highlight the profound impact of zero on mathematics, science, and technology, reflecting its journey from ancient origins to contemporary applications.


The invention of zero is a landmark achievement in the history of mathematics and human thought. From its beginnings as a placeholder to its role as a fundamental mathematical concept, zero has had a profound impact on science, technology, and culture. Its journey through different civilizations and eras highlights its significance and transformative power. Understanding the history and applications of zero not only enriches our appreciation of mathematics but also underscores its role in shaping our modern world.

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