
Understanding PUC Humanities subjects and subject combinations

Understanding PUC Humanities subjects and subject combinations

Humanities studies society and human interactions through subjects that explore our past, society, the role of money and trade, literature and more. Students will learn theories and concepts that are relevant in many careers that revolve around people, society and the various factors that lead to them dealing with one another and the situations that surround them. You learn about identity, cultures, ethics, and the intangible and tangible factors that contribute to improving society and the world. With Humanities education a student can consider careers in mass media, research, management and similar fields.

Subjects and subject combinations in PUC Humanities

The subjects offered in PUC Humanities are - Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science, and Psychology. These subjects are offered in combinations of four subjects that the students can opt from. Along with these four core subjects, students choose English as a compulsory first language and a second language between Hindi, Sanskrit and Kannada options. The subject  combinations that are generally offered are-

  • HEPyS - History, Economics, Psychology, Sociology
  • EPPyS - Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
  • HEPyP - History, Economics, Psychology, Political Science




Impact of geography on Indian history, Stone Age and metal age, Indus civilisation, Ancient period, Medieval period, Socio-religious reform, Modern period, Map work, Vedic culture, Rashtrakutas, Delhi Sultanate, Mysore, First war of Indian independence


Microeconomics, Macroeconomic, Production and costs, Theory of firm under perfect competition, Market equilibrium, Non-competitive markets, National Income Accounting, Money and banking, Income determination, Government budget

Political Science

Political theory, Constitutional government and democracy, political theory, public administration, International relations, Global politics, Western political philosophy, Indian political thought


Introduction to psychology, Human behaviour (heredity and environment/ nervous systems and glands), Duman development, Sensation, perception, Learning, Memory, Motivation and Emotion, Experimental psychology


Sociology in India, Political Sociology, Sociology of religion, Sociology of gender, Economic sociology

Scope for college education in PUC Humanities

After high school, Humanities students generally opt for a BA programme, majoring or taking one subject as Honours. Some of the college programmes, including professional courses that PUC Humanities students are eligible for are -

  • LLB
  • BMS
  • BBA
  • BBM
  • Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
  • Bachelor in Event Management
  • BCA
  • Design programmes - fashion, interiors, products etc.

For many professional courses, with the 2nd year PUC scores, students must take entrance tests such as CET. If you plan to try for government jobs such as IAS, IFS or IPS, then you have to prepare for UPSC entrance tests. Students can also choose professional certification courses such as Chartered Accountancy or Company Secretary.

Career scope with PUC Humanities

With a humanities background, you can consider careers in business studies and management. You can even enter creative careers where you represent human emotions, psychology, society and more. Typically, the job opportunities are in industries such as -

  • Public service with development
  • Mass media
  • Film and television
  • FMCG
  • BFSI
  • PSUs
  • IT/ITeS

The type of roles one will work in are -

  • Manager - marketing/ sales/ human resources/ business administration
  • Counselling - hypnotherapist/ family therapist/ psychologist
  • Lawyer
  • Journalist - print, digital
  • Designer - fashion/ interior/ graphic design/web designer
  • Sociologist
  • Economist
  • Archaeologist
  • Political scientist

Who should consider Humanities in PUC

Humanities is the study of human beings, society and the role of people in society. If you are interested in learning about the evolution of mankind and society and how its decision-making process can be influenced then Sociology, Psychology and History would be excellent choices. For those who want to learn about money and finance and its role in society then economics is a good alternative. Philosophy and Political science explain much about ethics, governance and the role of leaders in society. With humanities subjects a student will build their soft skills such as oral and written communication, presentation, critical thinking and more.

Plan the career path you want to go on and choose subjects that you have an aptitude and interest in. You can check the syllabus for the subjects for the undergraduate programme as well to understand what you will be studying if you go deeper into the subject.

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