
Top 5 Career Opportunities After 12th Science

Career Opportunities After 12th Science

Do you belong to the science stream in the 12th grade? If yes, you need to consider the best career options for your future after the 12th. Although a myriad of options is available for students to build a bright career, you need to prioritize your passion, preferences, and goals.

Since you have already chosen to study in the science stream, you already have some clear knowledge about the lucrative career opportunities in this regard. However, getting confused while choosing an ideal career option is a part of this journey. Hence, the post aims to describe the best 5 career opportunities after 12th science to help you make an informed decision.

Best 5 Career Opportunities for 12th Science Students

It is time to talk about some diverse career paths for 12th students so that they can move toward the right direction in their lives:


One of the most sought-after career opportunities after the 12th is medicine. The field revolves around a myriad of activities involving healthcare, biotech-based, and pharmaceutical industries. Do you study PCB (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) in 12th grade? Do you want to make your career in the field of medicine? /if yes, then you can consider opting for one of the courses below:
- Bachelor of Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Dental Surgery
- Bachelor of Medical Lab Technology
- BE/B.Tech in Biotechnology
- B.Sc. in Forensic Science/Home Science
The list is not comprehensive, as there are many other career options available in the field of medicine.


More and more students are nowadays interested in building a career as an engineer due to the immense opportunities the field has in store for them. Whether it is Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, or Electrical Engineering, the field of engineering comes with both academic and non-academic job opportunities.

In order to build a career in Engineering, you have to study PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) in your 12th grade.


Many people consider the business field only for commerce students. Although the career paths like Chartered Accountant or Chartered Financial Analyst are meant for commerce students, a myriad of opportunities are also available nowadays for non-commerce students.

Hence, if you are interested in the field of business as a 12th science student, you can choose one of the diverse career paths, such as business & data analysis, business management, digital marketing, or advertising & sales management.


As a 12th science student, you can choose the best option from diverse career paths, including the arts and humanities. As a result, you can expect to get opportunities to work in STEAM jobs, such as photography, fashion technology, product designing, media/journalism, graphic designing, sound engineering, and so on.


More and more people are nowadays realizing and prioritizing the importance of their mental well-being along with their physical health. If you are interested in helping people boost their mental health in your career, then you can choose to be a psychologist.

There are diverse specializations available in this field, such as counselling psychology, industrial psychology, clinical psychology, and so on.

Make a thoughtful decision based on your passion and scores and choose an ideal career path as a 12th science candidate.

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