
Technology Track: Computer Science vs. Electronics in PU

You must strike a balance between easy scoring and relevance to your future graduate programme with the subjects that you choose for PU. Computer Science and Electronics have many overlapping subjects which makes them compatible subjects to choose from. Even if you take Electronics in PU, you are eligible for Computer Science courses for graduation and vice versa. There are many exciting new programmes such as Electronics and Computer Engineering which tread the middle ground.

In Electronics you study technology design, construction, and information systems. In Computer Science you study computer systems, networks, database systems, AI, programming and the theory of computing. At the PU level, you will cover important concepts that are transferable to whichever technical programme you may study in college.

Syllabus in PU: Computer Science vs. Electronics

At the PU level, you will study -

  • Fundamentals of computers
  • Programming languages
  • Basics of computer software
  • Computer networks
  • Operating systems
  • Open-source concepts
  • Coding concepts
  • Memory concepts

The topics touch upon the core concepts in computer science and lay the foundation for understanding computer technology and using its elements to develop software solutions. You will also learn -

  • Discrete mathematics
  • AI concepts
  • Data structure
  • Algorithms
  • Software engineering

Over two years, you will be grounded in the concepts and applications of computer science and software engineering.
In Electronics, at PU level, you will study -

  • Electronic components
  • Circuit design
  • Resistors
  • Communication systems
  • Signal processing
  • Microprocessors.

You will learn the fundamental concepts about fields such as -

  • Robotics
  • Embedded systems
  • Semiconductors
  • Telecommunications.

Electronics will also cover topics from computer science, especially computer hardware-related subjects. You cover a wider range of topics which can applied across different electronic components and learn about their functions. Electronic engineering is a subfield of electrical engineering, so you will be gaining a wider perspective of the field.

Points to consider while deciding

Your interests

If you are interested in computer science, then studying the subject will become easier. If you are uncertain about where your interests lie, then Electronics covers some topics of Computer Science too. You can see where your interests lie and then pursue them and study them extensively in college.

Which is scoring?

To apply for any graduate programme, the primary criterion is your PU and CET scores. So, it would be better to focus on the subjects where you are sure of scoring. So, if you find Computer Science easier and you believe you can score better here, then opt for it. Likewise, if you feel you can score better in Electronics, then opt for it.

The concepts will be covered once again in college

Students who opt for computer science at the PUC level do not have an edge over their peers in college because the concepts are covered and delved into more deeply. So, everyone catches up and is at par learning pace-wise.

College matters

Which college you study from can influence your career trajectory greatly. So, aim for scores that will help you get admission to the best college. The top companies go to the best colleges for placement. Computer Science has vast scope in India, but that does not imply that everyone with a CS degree is highly paid. Electronic Engineers also earn very well. However, fewer companies are recruiting in India, so going to a good college will help you get noticed and placed.

You can change fields

Many electronic engineers work with software companies, and students who take biology in PU can also take Electronic Engineering in college, or Electronics students can study Mechanical or Microbiology. It is very common to change one's field.

In the long term

Up to the PUC level, whatever branch you may study, the eligibility criterion is not very rigid. So, concentrate on getting good grades and entering a good college. What you study at the graduate level can influence the opportunities available to you in your professional career, or your further education. For instance, a Computer Engineering background is relevant to many fields, such as Industrial Engineering and may act as an influence in your favour in the selection process.

PU is the pre-university phase where one must focus on scoring and discovering one’s interests. Once you have decided what subject you want to do your graduation in, study its prerequisites and opt for those subjects in 11th and 12th standard. After this, just focus on getting the top scores to get admission to the course and college you want.

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