
Points to Remember Before Choosing The Right Commerce/Management College

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Commerce/Management College

If we see the growing demand for commerce and management graduates in the job market, pursuing a degree in commerce or management field has become one of the most sought-after career options. This ever-increasing demand for commerce degrees has given rise to several business schools across India.

However, applying to any commerce or management college is not enough. You have to make a sound decision to choose the right college because a good college will put you on the right path.

If you are planning to opt for a commerce or management degree courses in Bangalore , the following pointers will guide you in choosing the appropriate colleges in Bangalore to beat the competition.


Although there are 3000+ commerce and management colleges in our country, only 1000+ colleges are accredited by recognized bodies. Therefore, one must research if the college is accredited as it reflects quality education and is a testament to a good reputation.

Type of faculty members:

The quality of education depends entirely on the faculty members' skills and talent. It is the faculty members who teach, train, and make the students industry ready. Therefore, it is important to research the profile of the college faculty members to whom you wish to apply to. Remember, a good faculty can shape your career on the right path.

Placements and alumni:

Everyone pursues a professional course for a common goal - career growth and direction. Therefore, choosing a commerce or management college that offers lucrative placements is one of the most important reasons to apply to it. Good placements will provide you with opportunities to grab better job opportunities and give a great kickstart to your career. One must also research the alumni and their experience to understand the placement opportunities better.

Industrial exposure:

Today, it is very important that a commerce or management student has substantial industrial exposure because theoretical knowledge is never just enough. You can learn the global market trends and systems better when you work in a real-time work environment. Therefore, one must opt for those colleges that provide national or international industrial exposure in the form of training and internships.

Curriculum and pedagogy:

The combination of an engaging curriculum is a key factor in improving the student's comprehension skills. Therefore, you should go for commerce or management colleges with diverse curricula consisting of case studies, presentations, lectures, group discussions, role-plays, field visits, etc.

Amenities for better learning:

Besides a well-crafted curriculum, it is equally important for a college to provide basic amenities for learning. These include a well-equipped library, learning auditoriums, smart classes, hygienic restrooms, a healthy canteen, and dormitories for immigrant students, bus facilities for students traveling long distances, etc. All of these factors create an impression and build confidence that the college is there to support the ancillary needs of the students.

Safety policies:

Every reputed commerce or management college has a set of policies to protect its students from ragging, bullying, sexual harassment, drug intoxication, etc. Any student who indulges in these activities should be punished, and the victim should be given justice in such cases. Therefore, one must analyse the reputation and understand the safety policies of the institute well before applying for admission there.

So, dear commerce and management aspirants, you must analyse, learn, comprehend and reflect on each point discussed above and make a sound decision before choosing the college of your dreams. Always remember, a good college will always shape your future better.

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