
Options You Can Pursue in Commerce Post 12th Examinations

Options after 12th Commerce

Commerce – An Overview
Commerce is a stream of education that deals with financial assistance or trade and business activities. In the past two decades, commerce as a stream has witnessed a resurgence, shattering the long-standing belief that academically-inclined students naturally drift towards science. As a steam, it is witnessing a renewed interest from students as it offers a plethora of options to choose from. It is a well-structured course that provides a thoughtful outlook to students and teaches all the aspects of trade and business. With core subjects like accountancy, business studies, and economics it provides a strong foundation to the students who wish to be future entrepreneurs or seek a career in the financial domain.

Why Choose Commerce?
Commerce is the most important or rather the only factor that determines the quality of financial health for any country. For a growing country like India, the growth of the economy solely lies on the shoulder of its commerce sector and this is enough to understand the importance of commerce as a stream. As a student when you choose commerce, you are not only responsible for your growth, but also the growth of the economy of the country. Hence, commerce is now becoming a popular choice among students endeavoring to secure well-paid jobs and make substantive contributions to national growth.

Who Should Choose Commerce?
There is a widespread misconception that those who cannot make it to Science prefer Commerce or Commerce is easier than Science. This assumption is erroneous. Both subjects are fairly tough in their way.
So how to assess your ability to take up Commerce? Here's how:

  • An analytical bent of mind
  • Interest in the financial system
  • An aptitude for numbers and numerical data
  • A keen interest in brands and business trends
  • Leadership and entrepreneurial skills

If everything mentioned above gets the right tick on your checklist, then Commerce is the choice for you.
Here are some courses listed out that you can explore before making your choice.

Mainstream courses:

Professional Courses:

  • Chartered Accountancy (CA)
  • Company Secretary (CS)
  • Cost and Management Accountant (CMS)
  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
  • Bachelor of Law (LLB)

Apart from the above-mentioned conventional courses, you can also opt for Humanities and other courses like hotel management, hospitality, fashion designing and many other courses depending on your interest.

When it comes to making academic choices, choosing the right college is as important as choosing the right stream. JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) offers a plethora of courses to commerce students post the completion of the 12th standard that are designed while keeping in mind modern-day professional requirements and future aspects of the ever-growing commerce industry.

Courses offered at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) are:

Bachelor of Commerce (Regular)

Certified Program in Capital Markets: The course provides a thorough knowledge of Capital Market, Mutual Funds, and Commodity Market.

Certified Program in Entrepreneurship & Business Management: The course covers all the aspects of how to conceptualize, launch and operate a small business venture.

Certified Program in General Management: A course designed to provide students extensive knowledge of management, marketing, finance, HR, and entrepreneurship.

Bachelor of Commerce (for Professional Courses)

Certified Program in Banking and Finance: An ideal course to make a career in accounting, banking, and financial management.

Coaching in Chartered Accountant (CA) and Certified Program in General Management: An extensive course to make students understand all the aspects of management and train them to acquire reputed managerial positions in the future.

Coaching in Company Secretary (CS) and Certified Program in General Management: A career-enhancing course designed to make students efficient administrators, so that they contribute to organizations effectively.

Bachelor of Commerce (Honors)

Business Analytics Integrated with Institute of Analytics (IoA – UK): A course designed to provide conceptual knowledge in multiple disciplines of analytics.

Corporate Accounting Integrated with Certified Management Accountant (US CMA): A course designed for future accountants and financial professionals so that they can ensure the financial activities of a company are according to the law and regulations specified by oversight bodies.

Corporate Finance Integrated with Certified Public Accountant (US CPA) + Enrolled Agent (US EA): The only course of its kind, which is based on skill-sets required by companies like Deloitte, EY, KPMG, and PwC.

Finance, Accounting, Audit, and Taxation with KPMG Certified Accounting Professional (KCAP): A program that aims to provide the systematic study of concepts in the fields of accounting, finance, taxation, and audit and produce professionals who can provide error-free financial information.

Global Accounting Practices with Association of International Accountants (AIA - UK): The course provides students an opportunity to study accountancy with a certification that’s recognized internationally.

International Finance and Accounting Integrated with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA - UK):A program designed to meet the current requirements of the finance industry.

Investment Banking Integrated with Certified Management Accountant (US CMA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (US CFA) Investment Foundation: The only undergraduate program provided by an Indian university that covers areas like finance, investment management, and investment banking curriculum.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management: A course designed to provide a thorough knowledge of all the aspects of smooth functioning of supply chain management and logistics.

Risk Management Integrated with Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (CIMA – UK): A course designed to make students critical thinkers, develop and enhance problem-solving skills.

Financial Technologies: Designed to make finance and accounting professionals understand how to effectively use emerging technologies to drive value, provide insight and foresight, and take advantage of new business opportunities.

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