
Exploring Arts and Humanities: Which is the Right Path for You?

The arts and humanities is one of the most popular disciplines that explores the diverse human behaviours and cultures across the globe. This field covers topics such as languages, history, philosophy, literature, political science, and other cultural and gender studies. Through the exposure, students can also develop skills and knowledge in the fields of psychology, sociology, public administration, history, and various others. Now, the next question that pops up is: Which is the right career path for you? Today, in this blog, we shall explore the features of this discipline and help you understand if it is the right career path for you!

Arts and Humanities: Courses Offered, Duration, and Eligibility

The students can begin their academic journey in the field by opting for arts and humanities in their pre-university course (PUC) programme in 12th. The duration of a PUC programme is 2 years and one needs to score 60% marks in their Class X examination from SSLC / ICSE / CBSE or an equivalent board. After completion of the pre-university programme, one can pursue their undergraduate degree, viz, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) that covers specialisations such as painting, sculpture, cartooning, drawing, animation, photography, singing, dancing, graphic design, and many more. Alternatively, they can also pursue a Bachelor of Arts with specialisations in mass communication and journalism, economics, sociology, psychology, communicative English, public policy, and many others. In order to enrol in these programmes, an individual needs to score at least 50% in their PUC in arts, science, or commerce stream from an Indian state or central board or equivalent, or any course recognised as equivalent thereto by the University.

Arts vs. Humanities: Career Opportunities

The exposure in the PUC programme followed by an undergraduate degree in the relevant field helps individuals to gain specialised knowledge and skills to navigate different career opportunities across industries. Moreover, their unique talent and skill set make them a valuable asset for different organisations across the country. Come, let us understand some of the potential career roles in each discipline:

Career Opportunities in the Arts and Humanities

As the media and entertainment industries are growing at a rapid pace in India, there are ample career opportunities in areas such as television, print, digital media, and public relations. Moreover, individuals can also work in the civil service, politics, government administration, research, international relations, and teaching fields. As one can major in economics as well, there is immense career advancement scope in banking, finance, research firms, and consulting. Let us see some of the common career pathways in this discipline:

Journalists report news and stories for newspapers, magazines, television, radio, or online media outlets. Teachers teach at the primary, secondary, or higher education levels, either in schools, colleges, or as private tutors. Public Relations Specialists manage public relations and communications for organisations, handling media inquiries and promoting a positive image. Human Resource executives assist in recruitment, onboarding, and employee relations within organisations. Counsellors provide counselling services in various settings, such as schools, community centres, or private practice. Diplomatic Communications Specialists handle public relations for government in agencies and diplomatic missions. Clinical Psychologists diagnose and treat mental health disorders through therapy and counselling.

Way Forward

The field of arts and humanities focuses on the study of human culture, history, language, philosophy, literature, and various aspects of human experience. Hence, a career in the humanities is recommended for individuals who are eager to learn about different cultures and gain a broader perspective of the world. Moreover, the field of arts and humanities encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills, which are valuable in various career paths. Therefore, one must consider their aspirations, skills, and interests before choosing the right career path!

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