
Best Courses to Pursue After PUC Science

Best Courses to Pursue After PUC Science

B. Tech with specialization in Cloud Technology and Information Security

Cloud computing and Information Security is booming sector in today’s fast-evolving digital-first world. Most of the corporate giants are adopting cloud computing systems for understanding consumer data and information security solutions to secure their business data. According to a report by Skillsoft, 43% of investment decisions go in favour of business. This course will enable students to understand concepts of cloud computing and security solutions and implement them across the organization to streamline business operations. Perusing this course a student can expect career opportunities as DevOps, Serverless Architect, Automation engineer, and Quality Analyst.

B. Tech with specialization in Cybersecurity

With the heft in online financial activities and the increasing cases of cybercrime, cyber security is now indispensable. A study conducted by Statista in 2020 revealed that cyber security jobs were the most demanding jobs in that year and have been that since after. Every industry from eCommerce to financial giants, to mobile applications to healthcare service providers, cybersecurity is needed to detect and counter data theft, suspicious internet activities, cyberattacks, and ransomware attacks.

B. Tech with specialization Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML are the most exponential technologies that have not only become part of our daily life, but it has disrupted the notion of business intelligence as well. These technologies are now helping business attain their primary business goals, predict actionable insights, assist in decision making, and design new and friendly products and services. AI and ML are the primary technologies that drive automation and jobs in this sector will be 34% more prioritized in Asia-Pacific business. Pursuing this course you can expect career opportunities as follows.

  • Software Engineer/Software Developer in AI / Machine Learning
  • AI / Machine Learning Engineer
  • AI / Machine Learning Specialist
  • Human-Centred Machine Learning Designer
  • NLP (Natural Language Processing) Engineer
  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Automation Engineer AI / Machine Learning Researcher

B. Tech with specialization in Gaming Technology

The gaming industry is one of the budding industries that ensures a promising career across the globe. With abundant access to the internet, there is a huge demand for online games. The fast pace technical evolution is further aiding the gaming industry which has made it the largest contributor to the entertainment industry. The industry provides s plethora of career opportunities for the course aspirants which are as follows:

  • Game Developer
  • Game Designers
  • Game Artists
  • Game Programmers
  • Network Programmer
  • Game/ Script Writers
  • Audio/ Sound Engineers
  • Game Testers
  • Game Management

B. Tech with specialization in Mobile and Android Application

A study by Forrester reveals that by the end of 2022 there will be 5.5 billion mobile users, in fact in India the number of smartphone users is 373 million. Hence businesses are in constant need of a mobile application that will meet customer needs and help them in attaining an excellent consumer journey. Mobile and Android Application development has hence become an excellent career choice for those who want a promising IT career.

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