
Orientation Programme

Orientation Programme

On the 12th of June, 2023, the Department of Humanities embraced the arrival of a new batch of students. An air of excitement filled the campus as these bright minds embarked on a new journey of promise and possibilities, marking the beginning of a truly inspiring and exciting chapter in their academic journey.

The week-long orientation for the freshers commenced with the programme's inauguration taking place at the quadrangle alongside the students of science and commerce, followed by the general college orientation. While other department students departed at 12:00 P.M., the humanities students were requested to stay back for further orientation activities. Refreshments were arranged for the students, and once they reconvened, the official orientation dedicated to the Humanities began at 12:30 P.M., featuring an address by the Head of the Department. The Acting Student Council then took the stage, enlightening the students about their roles and responsibilities before concluding the day.

Day two commenced with club orientations conducted by Ranga Milana and Capture Crew club coordinators, enticing the new batch to join these clubs. Subsequently, the students participated in English and History Subject orientations, followed by an exceptional Research Literacy orientation.

The third day began with club orientations by the Eco club, Journalism and Literary club coordinators. Moreover, the day featured Psychology and Sociology subject orientations alongside the Perspectives course orientation.

On the following day, the juniors experienced enriching orientations on Economics Subject, Self-Management, Model United Nations, and Interdisciplinary Exhibition. They were also informed about the events organised for Friday, providing them with ample time to prepare. The fifth day brimmed with enthusiasm as the juniors showcased their talents in various events. Their spirited performances made the task of selecting winners a challenging one for the judges.

As we conclude the week-long orientation, we celebrate the student's combined learning and fun experiences. With our heartfelt wishes, we encouraged their creativity, and their eagerness to learn, wishing them great success.

Orientation program speaker addressing a group of students, setting the tone for the day
Orientation event: Eager learners gather for a day of introductions
Orientation program activities: Students bonding, fostering a sense of community
Orientation program: Students engage in interactive sessions and teamwork
Enthusiastic students at the orientation program, connecting and learning
Orientation program activities: Students working together and having fun
Orientation program attendees engage in lively discussions and activities
Students and faculty gathered for orientation, fostering a sense of community
Eager students at orientation, ready for a transformative academic journey
Students at the orientation program explore new academic horizons
Orientation program participants in discussions, sharing ideas and knowledge
Students gathered for orientation program, eager to begin their academic journey
Students and faculty engaging in team-building activities during orientation program
Orientation program: A diverse group of students excited to start their journey