
Deconstructing Morality and Mortality

Deconstructing Morality and Mortality

As complex beings of society, our existence revolves around the concepts of Morality and Mortality, shaping the very essence of our lives. Morality represents the notions of good and bad, guiding our ethical decisions and actions and Mortality stands as the undeniable reality of our finite existence, urging us to ponder the meaning of life.

To explore these concepts, Ranga Milana, the theatre and performing arts club, organised a play under the direction of Hari Krishna, a student of II HEPyS. This theatre adaptation was inspired by Abbas Kiarostami's Iranian film, ‘Taste of Cherry’ which explores the ideas of morality and mortality.

The Humanities department offers the course 'Perspectives' which aims to look at the ontology and epistemology of knowledge. In one of these classes, the question of the objectivity of morality was discussed. It was concluded that morality is subjective but societies strive to make it objective. This philosophical exploration interested Hari Krishna, the director of the play, prompting the department to encourage and support him in organising the theatre event.

Despite the limited preparation time and the upcoming PUC examinations, the cast and crew efficiently executed the event. From the start of practice sessions to the making of props, till the final event, the team's well-coordinated efforts are highly appreciable.

Deconstructing Morality and Mortality
Deconstructing Morality and Mortality
Deconstructing Morality and Mortality
Deconstructing Morality and Mortality
Deconstructing Morality and Mortality