31 July 2023

The Academic Relevance of Social Projects

The Academic Relevance of Social Projects

The social project aims to effectively address two core needs: firstly, providing learners with valuable learning opportunities, and secondly, providing essential support and development within the community.

We, at the Department of Humanities, powered by Knowledgeum, believe that learning transcends beyond the classroom. Through social projects, we encourage learners to develop subject-specific skills, responsibility, perseverance, compassion, and a sense of unconditional kindness. Through our social project, learners can identify genuine community needs and execute sustainable solutions for positive community impact.

Our focus on practice-led and problem-based education led us to collaborate with communities and organisations like Don Bosco - Bosco Vatsalya Bhavan, U&I, Goonj. This provides learners with meaningful and authentic opportunities to learn about and address real-world issues. These projects help a learner in turning classroom knowledge into practical challenges, helping them grasp societal complexities. By addressing discrimination, prejudice, stereotypes, and environmental concerns, learners become proactive citizens. Such experiential learning experiences in education instil a sense of responsibility and empower learners to become responsible global citizens.

Social projects and initiatives not only nurture critical thinking and teamwork, inspiring creativity, but also play a pivotal role in cultivating empathy - a trait that cannot be taught, but learned through experiences alone. By addressing societal issues through art and literature, culture and history, these projects promote understanding and help in creating a space for inclusivity. As a result, learners actively drive positive change, promoting progress and harmony in an interconnected world.

Ms. Pooja Praful
Psychology Faculty
Department of Humanities